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Hanna Dreszer-Lichańska
aster’s degree in electronics at Warsaw University of Technology; postgraduate studies: Foreign Trade (Warsaw School of Economics) and Industrial Property Law (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). Polish and European patent attorney, Polish and European attorney for trademarks and industrial designs; co-founder of the Polish Association for the Protection of Industrial Property – Polish Group of the AIPPI; membership in the European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI).
Professional experience:
– engineering – construction and development office in industry;
– protection of industrial property rights in procedures for domestic and foreign entities: in international trade; in scientific and research units, including experimental plants of the Polish Academy of Sciences; independent intellectual property law firm since 1991 and active participation in the implementation of international procedures related successively to: the accession of Poland in 1990 to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), since 29.12.2003 to the European Patent Convention, and since 01.05.2004 to the accession of Poland to the European Union and progressive harmonization of the national law with the EU law in other areas of intellectual property law. Foreign languages: English, Russian, German.
Monika Chomontowska-Lipska
Graduate of European Studies at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Law at Lazarski University in Warsaw. Since 2019, patent attorney and professional representative before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO); since 2024, member of the self-governing bodies of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys (PIRP). Foreign languages: German, English, Italian.
All staff members have interdisciplinary higher education and experience in Dreszer & Partners. They constitute a multilingual personnel with proven aptitude to ensure the smooth multifaceted functioning of the office. They are responsible, creative and scrupulously adhere to the principles of timely fulfillment of Dreszer & Partners’ overall tasks. The office keeps up with the changing technical, economical and legal environment, while ensuring performance of comprehensive services, including payment on behalf of clients of all official domestic fees (to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland) and abroad – to regional or international intellectual property authorities (EUIPO, WIPO, etc.). Dreszer & Partners also acts as an intermediary in the timely bank transfers of receivables for services rendered to clients by foreign attorneys cooperating with us.
Sworn translators, professional translators of technical texts on inventions, mainly from and into English, German, French, also Russian and other languages as needed; legal advisors and experts in the field of industrial property law; permanent collaborators in safe and trouble-free administration of IT systems and equipment.
Marcin Młyńczak
Member of the Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law in Warsaw.
Passed his professional exam in 2012 with distinction. Graduated from Postgraduate Studies in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Warsaw and completed expert application at the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. From 2006 to 2011, he adjudicated disputes before the Patent Office as an adjudicating expert in the Disputes Adjudication Collegium. He advises business entities in particular on matters of industrial property law, copyright law, competition and consumer protection, protection of personal rights, protection of personal data and security, including information security. Represents clients before common and administrative courts, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland and other public administration bodies, as well as the EUIPO. Supports clients in matters relating to legal aspects of sustainable development, developing and implementing procedures and internal regulations in the areas of personal data protection, security, protection of employee rights and environmental protection, among others. Experienced in advising high-profile entities operating in the large-format retail, gas, energy, chemical and non-public health care sectors, as well as cultural institutions.
Partnerzy stowarzyszeni
Związani z Kancelarią umowami o stowarzyszeniu:
prawnicy – radcowie prawni wykonujący swój zawód samodzielnie, stosownie do polskich przepisów korporacyjnych , specjalizujący się w prowadzeniu spraw własności przemysłowej, prawa autorskiego i konkurencji oraz komercjalizacji tych praw w obrocie krajowym i międzynarodowym;
specjaliści i przedstawiciele środowisk naukowych – związani z Kancelarią na podstawie zawieranych z nimi, w miarę potrzeb, umowami o stowarzyszeniu i/lub o dzieło, w szczególności świadczący pomoc jako konsultanci, których opinie są wykorzystywane zwłaszcza w postępowaniach spornych, odwoławczych, sądowych itp.
Stale współpracujemy z tłumaczami przysięgłymi oraz ze specjalistycznymi tłumaczami tekstów technicznych z języka angielskiego, niemieckiego, francuskiego, rosyjskiego, innych języków w miarę konieczności. Wszyscy tłumacze posiadają wykształcenie wyższe w określonych dziedzinach nauki i techniki. W sprawach tego wymagających współpracujemy ze specjalistycznym Biurem Notarialnym, tłumaczami przysięgłymi oraz z biurem detektywistycznym. Z klientami zagranicznymi prowadzimy korespondencję najchętniej w j. angielskim, ale także w j. niemieckim lub francuskim.